South Africa: Hiring Permanent and Contract Staff


South Africa- Hiring Permanent and Contract Staff

Permanent recruitment is a way to hire highly qualified, talented people who are ready to learn and grow with your company. Permanent employees are full-time and receive all the company’s benefits.

The contract recruitment option focuses on recruiting employees for a short-term contract that is linked to short-term assignments. After the assignment is completed, the employees move on to the next project. Employer of Record SA can offer both, depending on your requirements.

To identify the most qualified candidates, CVs are reviewed against core competencies for the job.

All applicants are thoroughly vetted and tested by referenced staff who are at the top their game.

Why are companies moving to South Africa?

The BPO sector in South Africa is growing at an encouraging rate and has been one of the most important sources of job creation. Statistics from InvestCapeTown reveal that Cape Town’s BPO industry grew 11.2% in 2018, creating 6172 jobs.

Factors making Cape Town, South Africa, a popular choice:

Neutral English Accents

South Africans speak a neutral accent that is easy to understand. Companies choose call centre agents and customer service line employees because they can understand their customers easily.

Advanced technology

BPOs in South Africa can access the most recent technologies and requirements to ensure smooth operations.

Diverse talent pool

The diversity of talent available to workers and employees is one of the reasons South Africa has been chosen as an offshore favorite.


According to statistics, Cape Town offers a half-off for Australian clients. This is quite impressive. South Africa is now in the same league as India and the Philippines because of incentives.

First-world infrastructure

South Africa’s capital city, Cape Town, is known for its world-class infrastructure. The government also offers support for skills development and incentives for infrastructure investments in the BPO sector.

South Africa has been involved in call center business for many years. This gives South Africa a lot of experience and international recognition in the BPO sector. It is therefore a trusted offshore outsourcing location.

You now know why South African companies move to South Africa. Let’s now look at the different services industries that can be outsourced and what they are.

BPO’s in South Africa offer a wide range of outsourcing services. These include:

– Legal process services

– Insurance, banking, and financial

– Medical and healthcare

– Application development and IT infrastructure

South Africa is particularly strong in financial and banking services, as well as legal process services.

Why South African companies love to hire staff!

South Africa is a great place to hire staff. Many of our remote techs, admin helpers and entry-level support agents hail from this beautiful country. You might be asking yourself why.

These are the reasons to hire outsourced remote staff in South Africa:

  • They are compatible with the US, UK, and Canadian time zones
  • English is the native language
  • They offer great customer service
  • South Africans excel at self-organization and hard work
  • This country has a lot of technical knowledge and expertise.
  • They can learn quickly
  • Strong cultural compatibility
  • They have amazing personality

So easy to communicate with South African outsourced staff!

The cultural barriers between South Africa’s and the US are very minimal. Remote staff from South Africa are great at communicating with customers, building relationships and communicating with colleagues.

We have seen South African employees excel at the following:

  1. Understanding how customers want to be addressed in high-stakes customer service issues
  2. Building rapport with their coworkers is key.
  3. Establishing a relationship with those they are working with
  4. It is important to understand how ticketing systems, PSAs, and other operational procedures work.
  5. Delivering great IT support

South Africa Outsourced Staff are Culturally Compatible

South Africa is heavily influenced by the Dutch language and culture. However, South Africans are able to converse in English because they were raised in English-speaking environments.

English is the most common language used for communication in business and daily life. They also have extensive experience in working online, interfacing with other cultures, and adapting to any environment.

They are able to communicate in a way that is both friendly and professional, which is essential for providing excellent customer service.

What South Africa’s Record Specialists Can Do for You?

We offer in-country services to Employer of Record South Africa and solutions for Professional Employer Organizations! We are a Employer for Record services (EOR), or Professional Employer Organizations (PEO).

Through our EOR service, we help South African companies to hire and manage staff. The staff members are then added to our platform. We handle all taxes, salary and statutory payments. Our staff can be hired or you can use our HR department to add them into our EOR service. These people can work anywhere in South Africa.

We help South African companies to create their own legal entities. This will enable them to comply with all laws. After the entities have been registered, your staff can be moved into your company.

We can also offer a tailored EOR package to suit your needs in South Africa.We have the expertise and resources to meet all your business needs.

What sets us apart

Employer of Record SA provides permanent and contract staffing services in South Africa for all levels and disciplines. We have strong relationships with key stakeholders and ensure that each client receives the best-fitted solution.

To determine the requirements of each job, we will need a detailed job description. Head-hunting talent, paid advertisement, social media, and our vast data-base are all ways candidates can be found. There are many talented job seekers out there looking for the right opportunity.

South African staff outsourced to South Africa are known for their incredible work ethic

Customer service is about managing expectations and communicating. Our remote employees from South Africa can help you do that.

This is because life in South Africa is not easy. To succeed in life, people must rely on their ingenuity.

They must work hard, take things seriously, stand for what they believe and deliver results. They become trustworthy, reliable and strong people because of this.

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